
the fresh ingredients

2 chicken breasts

red chilli

dried chillies


1 egg chilli


katsu paste

the kit ingredients

200g ramen noodles

30g chicken stock

15gsesame seeds

hot katsu curry ramen

our katsu paste + chicken ramen kit come together to recreate a bowl full of spicy soul

prep time
10 mins
cook time
10 mins

how to make hot katsu curry ramen


the fresh ingredients

2 chicken breasts

red chilli

dried chillies


1 egg chilli


katsu paste

the kit ingredients

200g ramen noodles

30g chicken stock

15gsesame seeds


step one

make the katsu curry ramen

  1. in a hot pan, with matching lid, add your chicken breasts with a dash of oil + colour on both sides

  2. turn the heat down + put the lid on the pan to cook the chicken all the way through

  3. put 400ml of boiling water into a jug add your broth paste + mix well

  4. next, heat some oil in the wok + add your dried chillies, katsu paste + sriracha

  5. heat through on low then add your chicken broth on top + mix

  6. next, make your ramen egg. lower eggs into boiling water + cook for 6 ½ minutes, maintaining a gentle boil

  7. transfer your egg into ice water and wait to peel + slice for your ramen

  8. refresh your noodles in boiling water for 20 seconds + then add to your bowls

  9. pour the curry chilli broth over your noodles

  10. take the chicken off the heat + carve at a 45' angle and fan on top of the noodles + broth

  11. add your ramen egg

  12. drizzle with chilli oil + garnish with coriander, red chillies + sesame seeds

katsu curry ramen faqs

what can I add to ramen to make it spicy?

to make your ramen spicy, you can add chilli oil, chilli paste and dried or fresh chillies

is chilli sauce good in ramen?

yes! for spice lovers, adding chilli into your ramen will infuse your broth + give it that kick you're looking for

how do you eat chicken katsu ramen?

chopsticks and a ramen spoon are our go-to for eating chicken katsu ramen